Online Poker News » May 2004
» May 31, 2004.
2 Weeks Later - Candia Wins Again. Candia S. Wins $25,269.64 Playing Jackpot Deuces At The River Belle.

Did anything unusual happen on the day of your win?
No, it was just a quiet evening at home.
What was your initial reaction to your big win?
I screamed at my husband to come look at the screen.
How do you plan on spending your winnings?
I just don't know. There are so many ways to spend the money that I can hardly stop thinking about it.
How long has it been since your last win?
Two weeks!
What keeps you coming back?
I just love the chance to win and the site is very well laid out and managed.
Tell us how your first win has influenced your life. Will this win be any different?
My previous win has not seriously influenced me except that I feel like the luckiest person alive!
Will you spend your winnings differently this time?
Not really. I will still be mostly conservative and put money away for my daughter's college education. Maybe I'll spend a little money on some upgrades around the house.
Did you do anything different this time?
Nothing different at all. That's the best part!
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?
I have been married for 18 years and have a 9 year old daughter. I have an incredible family and a very high-paced, interesting job as the COO of a law firm. I truly am lucky in so many ways!
Source: Jackpot Madness
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