Online Poker News » June 2004
» June 6, 2004.
Candia Wins 3 Times in 1 Month! Candia S. Wins $17,082.91 Playing Jackpot Deuces At The River Belle.

Did anything unusual happen on the day of your win?
No, nothing.
How do you plan on spending your winnings?
I'll pay some bills and save some money.
How long has bit been since your last win?
A week.
What keeps you coming back?
I keep winning!
Tell us how your first win has influenced your life. Will this win be any different?
I'm not sure it has really sunk in yet.
Will you spend your win differently this time?
I really want to be careful with how I spend the money and have been spending a great deal of time thinking about it. I've yet to come to any solid decisions.
Did you do anything different this time?
Everything was the same.
Source: Jackpot Madness
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